A few ideas for discussion questions on Evelyn, After. Feel free to add your own ideas in the comments.
1. What was the inciting moment for the Before and After sections? Why was this the moment that divides Evelyn’s journey?
2. What do you think of Evelyn’s choice not to contact the police when she learned about the accident? Is there always a clear choice between right and wrong?
3. Evelyn told herself she was behaving logically throughout the story. Was she? Can instincts and emotions be trusted during trauma?
4. Was Evelyn’s relationship with Noah crucial to her finding her own strength or detrimental to her journey?
5. Early in the story, Evelyn decided she would try to forgive her husband. At the same time, she convinced herself that Juliette was pure evil. Why is it so easy to demonize the “home wrecker” vs. the spouse who promised fidelity?
6. There are several big confessions in this book. Is revealing a misdeed always a good idea? Does the truth always help, or is it sometimes a way of assuaging guilt?
7. After years of being a dedicated wife, Evelyn believes her husband’s betrayal means she can do anything she wants. Is cheating ever justified?
8. Gary eventually confessed a role in the hit-and-run to the police. Was this justice?
9. Could Evelyn have remained in her marriage and still found strength and independence in the end?
10. Was Evelyn, After a love story?