Hi all! I got a request for some book club questions for At the Quiet Edge, so I’ve brainstormed a few for you here! Careful, there is one spoiler in the questions, so I’ve marked it with a warning. Happy reading!
- How did the setting of At the Quiet Edge —a self-storage facility at the edge of town— influence your response to the story? How did it contribute to the plot in ways other settings might not have?
- Did the small town of Herriman feel different from other small town book settings? How did it compare with your own experience of small towns? Are there reasons for any differences?
- Was Lily’s withholding of information from Everett right or wrong?
- Were your reactions different when experiencing fear and danger through Everett’s eyes than they were through Lily’s point of view?
- How did Lily change by the end of the book?
- [SPOILER]…….. Did you-know-who redeem himself? Do you think his new relationship with Everett will be beneficial?
- Which character did you most identify with?